Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

  • Awesom skater just told me “you’re not looking so good out there.” Thanks, guy. #
  • Any skaters have advice on how to stop my left foot from curving inward? Seem to have picked up some bad habits in 28 yrs off roller skates. #
  • Roller skating was great fun! After nearly 30 yrs, it all came back pretty well. I guess it’s like they say, it’s just like falling down. #
  • Magazine “The Beaver” Changes Its Name to “Canada’s History” because of Internet filtering. #
  • Transcription Made Easy (Easier, Anyway) #
  • 1099s due to contractors today. Find out more and automate your bookkeeping with Ouright #
  • @JennEscalona Don’t think I ever read Kage Baker. Ralph McInerny of the Father Dowling mysteries, which I also have never read, died Friday. in reply to JennEscalona #
  • @mrav8r2 They’ve got over 100 flavors of wi-fi! De-lish! in reply to mrav8r2 #
  • Today is Follow a Museum Day! Show your support for your favorite museum. Directory at or my list #
  • @leslieajoy Thank you! I love how Outright pulls in my Freshbooks invoices and payments automatically. Wrote about it:: in reply to leslieajoy #
  • #Vegas locals, follow @bmuseum for #followamuseum day. And go visit them on UNLV campus, near the library. Awesome collection! #
  • Put together a list of Las Vegas museums for #Vegas people at More museums here than you’d think! #followamuseum #
  • @24k @bmuseum has an amazing collection of pre-Columbian artifacts (Aztec, Maya, Toltec, Olmec). And they do great exhibitions, too. in reply to 24k #
  • While US media focuses on “chaos” in Haiti, Haitians get on with peacefully sorting out their lives. #
  • @bmuseum Thanks! Missing: Pinball Hall of Fame, Scouting Museum, Elvis-a-Rama. Anyone know Twitters for those, please let me know! in reply to bmuseum #
  • RT @aprilcore: This cannot be serious, right? Ugh. – (Aussie gov’t bans small breasts, female ejaculat’n in porn) #
  • @bmuseum That must be why I can’t find them on the Internet! Never went, but came across them on several lists of Vegas museums. in reply to bmuseum #
  • RT @BrandOneCulture: notes Fashion trending: Real Women are en Vogue via_@STYLEMOM #
  • Speaking of “real women”, I hate the term “plus size”. In modeling usage, it means like 70% of the female population! #
  • Speaking of “real women”, I hate the term “plus size”. In modeling usage, it means like 70% of the female population! #
  • @danidocrafty Interestingly, for men, “big and tall” doesn’t start until XXL. in reply to danidocrafty #
  • Reminder: Today is #followamuseum ! Support for your favorite museum(s). Directory at or my list #
  • Lifehack is looking for writers to join our regular staff. Post twice or more/wk, paid. See for more info. #
  • Productivity Pr0n: 5 Unusually Useful Notepads #
  • It’s Groundhog Day! #
  • @SeahorseTat It’s always Groundhog Day. in reply to SeahorseTat #
  • RT @MichaelHyatt: Note to authors and would-be authors. PLEASE read, “The Top Ten Query Mistakes” by @RachelleGardner: #
  • RT @sethsimonds: An electric car that runs off a coal-powered grid doesn’t seem like a step forward. Just more disconnect btw use and abuse. #
  • @jackie1776 DId s/he write the review using Word? View the document properties. Can usually get at least the author’s name. in reply to jackie1776 #
  • Pentagon supports ending ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ law for gays in military #
  • Two American writers’ gifts to the world #
  • 20 Greatest Movies About Writers – GeekWeek: via @addthis (I’d put “Manhattan” instead of “Deconstructing Harry”) #
  • First interview in 15 years with ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ creator BIll Watterson #
  • @danidocrafty And a student *union*. Blizzards and student activism, two great tastes that taste great together! in reply to danidocrafty #
  • @danidocrafty Greg. Greg the Podcast. in reply to danidocrafty #
  • I like to imagine a world where our political life gets 1/10 the attention, passion, and analysis that Lost gets. #
  • Great overview of Zotero citation management on Lifehacker, featuring screencasts, tips, and howtos #
  • Absolutely no good options for NV higher ed. This is a MASSIVE failure of state gov’t – people should be shot for br… #
  • Ten Things You Should Know Before Going on The Daily Show: #
  • I overtweeted my tweet about NV higher ed. Short version: If you have anything to do w/ edu funding in NV, please kill yourself in shame. #
  • @loomnie You can export from EndNote and import the file into Zotero. See in reply to loomnie #
  • How “hand-made” Mahalo became Squidoo Sad story – I tried my hand at SERP-writing b4 Mahalo went live. What a fall. #
  • There is still some content on Mahalo, I should say. Pages like this one I worked on aren’t cash cows. #
  • RT @retius: Morning Music: Meaghan Smith – “Here Comes Your Man” #fb #
  • #
  • Americans involved in terrorism considered valid assassinat’n targets #
  • Just set up Twitter on my new phone number. Takes 4 SMSes! Wonder why you can’t do that online w/ just one confirm SMS. #
  • How is it possible that, a decade into the 21st century, SW Gas doesn’t take payments by credit or debit card online? #
  • @Sara_Mooney Maybe. They certainly don’tmake it easy to pay once you miss the “pay by” date, even if it’s not final notice time. in reply to Sara_Mooney #
  • @Sara_Mooney On the other hand, myphone co, power co, and cable co , and credit cards like my late fees too and yet take payments online. in reply to Sara_Mooney #
  • New blog by medical anthropologists on the denial of medical care to undocumented migrant workers, “Access Denied” #
  • @DJYORK That’s crazy! What, the gas co. is looking out forthe little guy by making us pay by Western Union? in reply to DJYORK #
  • Nevada’s gov’t needs to seriously consider mass seppuku right now over higher ed funding crisis. #
  • Skater uses roller derby as therapy – #
  • Home office ergonomics basics #
  • WSJ on todo lists Some nice tips, like lists for different “levels” (e.g. day-to-day vs big picture) #
  • Some really smart ways to use GMail filters, like creating todo lists or reminders for others #
  • Female teachers pass their own math anxieties on to girls #
  • Use of skin-lightening creams (many of which contain mercury) growing and becoming more dangerous #
  • UNLV walk-out to protest Draconian budget cuts, Tuesday, Feb 9th #
  • I know it’s hopelessly uncool to say it, but I did not like Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Crush It!”. Just so much blather, as far as I could tell. #
  • @Maria_G I wonder if we could adopt seppuku as a tradition in our political culture? What if we expected leaders’ failures to end w/ blood? in reply to Maria_G #
  • @sethsimonds I’m not against @garyvee or anything, just found the book promised more than it delivered. Lots of motivational energy, anyway. in reply to sethsimonds #
  • @garyvee Nothing to make up. Got it from the library, so no $$ out of pocket. And it’s short, so not much time spent, either. in reply to garyvee #
  • @sethsimonds That’s true, but it’s the grunt work that matters, that people need help figuring out. in reply to sethsimonds #
  • LV Weekly on @laurenmcc ‘s new art show, “Speaking to Las Vegas in the Language of Las Vegas”, opening tom’w at UNLV #
  • Wow, I just got a pop-under ad. It’s like 2002 all over again! #
  • @PjPerez That’s right. You gotta pay full market value, man. in reply to PjPerez #
  • @FeMaven Firefox! Which means there are actually advertisers out there still trying to keep up w/ the latest pop-up blockers! in reply to FeMaven #
  • @aprilcore Wait, didn’t you just write about him in saying that? in reply to aprilcore #
  • Further adventures in Verizon’s ongoing need to classify smartphones by gender #
  • Johnny Depp to direct Keith Richards documentary #fb #
  • @faziarizvi $110m, about 25%, after another 25% over the last couple years. Choices incl: close comm college, or top-ranked law school. in reply to faziarizvi #
  • I think it’s impt to remember that NV had a big surplus a few years ago, which we wasted on auto reg refunds. B/c nothing could ever change. #
  • @faziarizvi There are other options, but all bad. We’ve already shut down tons, too, like women’s health and cancer centers at uni hospital. in reply to faziarizvi #
  • @DJYORK OK, but EVERY other utility offers online bill pay. SW Gas uses a 3rd-party e-check svc which they must pay fees for, why not cards? in reply to DJYORK #
  • @PjPerez Do you mean F$#*ing DreamHost, the webhosting company, or is there another DreamHost I’ve never heard of? in reply to PjPerez #
  • RT @PjPerez: Vegas Seven site is live! And my interview w/ @Laurennmcc is up: #
  • RT @LasVegasNOW: School Superintendents Propose Shorter School Year, Bigger Classes $166m shortfall in k-12. Bastards. #
  • Still loving my Palm Pre. Did you know you can install the Verizon hotspot software on Sprint Pres and make it a wifi hotspot too? For free. #
  • Catching up tonight’s “Community” on the TiVO, and is that the Wilhelm scream I just heard? I do believe it is! #
  • @24k Yeah, you too. Hope you and @VegasBill are having a swell time at VB’s BD PRT! in reply to 24k #
  • I love that whenever Jon Stewart goes on Fox News, they compare their journalistic integrity with his. He’s a comedian! #
  • Wondered why the natl news pages of Vegas’ “Seven” mag are pink like the NY Observer. Then noticed their natl news is from the NY Observer. #
  • Congrats to @marseniuk @cmoonreed @PjPerez and everyone I don’t follow for Seven’s debut Looks good so far – shiny, too. #
  • @PokerVixen Absolutely. SO shouldn’t Fox NEWS be ashamed that a show on COMEDY Central is their standard for journalism? in reply to PokerVixen #
  • @skywaterblue Yeah, there was a stack with the CityLifes and Weeklies at the Freakin’ Frog. in reply to skywaterblue #
  • @PokerVixen Again, I absolutely agree. But on Fix, they answer his criticisms saying “But you didn’t do [whatever], either.” Not his job! in reply to PokerVixen #
  • @PjPerez Funny though how crappy a job the editors do without writers… in reply to PjPerez #
  • RT @brooklynmuseum: pretty cool – interviewed by @creativecommons on our use of CC licenses and Copyright project #
  • The Temptations perform songs from Fiddler On The Roof! Terrible video, but still AWESOME! #
  • Brilliance from @hotdogsladies : “Before you sweat the logistics of focus: ?rst, care. Care intensely.” Thanks, MM. #
  • @danidocrafty ARe you and Mike going to the show at UNLV? in reply to danidocrafty #
  • @mikeyvegas Cool. I should be there around 7, hope I see you guys there. in reply to mikeyvegas #
  • @mikeyvegas @danidocrafty Guess I missed you guys at UNLV, maybe i’ll run into you downtown later. in reply to mikeyvegas #
  • @mikeyvegas Too bad, you missed a pretty great show. Catch you nexrt time, I hope… in reply to mikeyvegas #
  • Had a great time at “Speaking to Las Vegas in the Langauge of Las Vegas”. Great to finally meet @laurennmcc in person! #
  • @mikeyvegas YOu missed both. I don’t twirl tassels or spray glitter. I’m more of a low-key kind of show… in reply to mikeyvegas #
  • @mikeyvegas Oh, you meant the *art* show, I meant the *burlesque dancers* who performed at the art show… in reply to mikeyvegas #
  • @mikeyvegas Sorry. Apprently you watched breasts on the Beeb, though. So you don’t go home empty-handed. in reply to mikeyvegas #
  • Tom Waits – Time #
  • RT @cosimolupo: An interview on the life and work of the anthropologist Prof. Marilyn Strathern, by Alan Macfarlane #
  • The Incredible Edible Anus #
  • RT @ToastyHybrid: some pics from @laurennmcc ‘s show last night: …yup, grown men in stripper shoes. #
  • Tori Amos – Time (Tom Waits cover) #
  • Capitalism in Question (Because It Is) series at Pitzer College in Claremont, CA (Sahlins, Ortner, more) #
  • Crummy photos of cool stuff at @laurennmcc ‘s “Speaking to Las Vega s in the Language of Las Vegas” #
  • @leslieajoy Thank you muchly! in reply to leslieajoy #
  • What’s on the Horizon for Microsoft Office 2010? Web apps to be accessible on any smartphone! #
  • Thoughts on Caprica (so far): a) Adama is a nasty piece of work! Lee’s hero-worship 50 yrs later seems a bit misplaced. #
  • Thoughts on Caprica (so far): b) Sam Adama is gay, and it just *is*. Nicely handled. BSG was criticized for its lack of gay relationships. #
  • Thoughts on Caprica (so far): c) Bill lost a sister and mother to monotheistic terrorists. That’s gotta mean something. #
  • Thoughts on Caprica (so far): d) Zoe’s story, which should be the most interesting, is the least compelling so far. Too much teen-y angst? #
  • Thoughts on Caprica (so far): e) Citroen had a hell of a run on Caprica 150,050 years ago. Maybe GM should consider Caprican export market? #
  • Crap, @jzellis is using the same WordPress theme at that I’m using at #
  • @jzellis There’s only room for one of us w/ that theme! Hey, saw u last night but didn’t introduce myself. U seemed to have yr hands full. in reply to jzellis #
  • @jzellis Yeah, I gathered. Was advised to tease you, actually, but figured, naah. Used to enjoy you in Citylife in bygone days. Next time. in reply to jzellis #
  • If you’re applying for a job as a writer, your cover letter better rock! (Did I mention I’m reviewing apps for a writer at Lifehack?) #
  • @leslieajoy No, there’s an ad on Problogger’s job board, heading is s/th like “Editor for Personal Productivity Blog”. in reply to leslieajoy #
  • Since I know writers have to respond to a ton of ads, a short cover letter and kick-ass writing sample are good. But get my attn, and quick! #
  • The sad part of hiring writers: in the pile are several standouts, many obvious misfits – and some really good writers who just won’t fit. #
  • @Sara_Mooney What? in reply to Sara_Mooney #
  • Is there an online service that lets you create a catalog of your music (discs, digital, lps, etc) like Goodreads, Shelfari, etc for books? #
  • @trxckster THanks, Musicbrainz is neat, but looking more for something where you can record and share your list of music. in reply to trxckster #
  • @leslieajoy Thanks. is the URL; goes to a link farm. It looks a little bare-bones but might be the thing. in reply to leslieajoy #
  • Can anyone in #vegas recommend a good exterminator? I’m in the southwest, in a condo, if that makes a difference. Thanks! #
  • @leslieajoy What I’d really like is to be able to rate and recommend albums/songs, like I can on Goodreads or Shelfari. Catalog + social. in reply to leslieajoy #
  • @leslieajoy I’m kind of shocked that there’s no “goto” site already out there. Seems like a no-brainer. in reply to leslieajoy #
  • @PodWorx Thanks, I’ll give them a call. in reply to PodWorx #
  • Fascinating chart of religiosity by state vs. various factors (murder, divorce, theft, happiness index, IQ) #
  • @laurennmcc Owen WIlson as Marmaduke, Bill Murray as Garfield, what’s next? Jason Schwartzman as Snoopy? in reply to laurennmcc #

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