Photoblogging Excuses

I’ve been testing out a whole bunch of features of the new Pivot software (and mynew installation) and thought I might post a couple of pictures, see how that works. So:


That’s my 2-year old nephew playing with my Treo right after his little sister was born a couple months ago. It’s got a sorta gothic quality to it, I think.


Here’s some pretty flowers I took a picture of in a men’s room in the Hague last December.

I’ve got a zillion things I want to get to here, but I’m just super busy getting ready for fall classes (I’ve gotta write a syllabus and come up with some meaningful way to evaluate my students) and building a website for a friend of mine (a music teacher) and trying to keep up some sort of social life and trying not to dwell too much on how little of my dissertation is getting done. But I’ll be back, eventually. I hope…

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