Money Management for Students

A site I hadn’t seen before called Scholarships Around the US offers a list of 118 money management tips for college students. The list offers pretty good advice for saving, spending, and even earning wisely while making your way through college, as well as links to several articles and websites for more information. Here’s a taste:

To save money you need to manage it. I hate to get on the topic of money management right off the bat, but if you expect to save money you need to be a bit savvy with the little bit of cash you have:

  1. Get a free checking and savings account. The bank will nickel and dime you on dumb stuff like too many ATM withdrawals, too many checks written, or a funds transfer. Shop the town for banks catering to students. Make sure you can access online banking, pay
    bills and manage your account without attached fees.
  2. Take the free checks that the bank offers in the maximum amount they allow – mine was initially going to give me 50, but for some reason I thought I needed more right away and paid $4.95 for another 50. If you need more, you simply go online and order more, but leftover checks are more typical than not, especially with online bill pay options becoming more commonplace. Extra checks become nothing more than wasted paper and wasted dollars.

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