Daddy Hack: Rubber Bracelets as Travel ID

Here’s an idea I whipped up when we took a family vacation in August. We were in Utah, doing some hiking and visiting ghost towns and the like, and I was worried about the kids wandering off. The best thing would be an information card tucked into each one’s pockets, but getting thm to keep it on them is, well… highly unlikely. The thing, I decided, would be to get them each a plain rubber jelly bracelet (like those “Live Strong” bands) and write their name and mom’s cell phone number on each one with a Sharpie pen. If they got separated from us or hurt or whatever, whoever found them could let us know right away. I found a three-pack of these bracelets at a sporting goods store for a couple bucks — a tiny investment for the peace of mind they bring. Since then I’ve seen these bracelets at a couple sporting goods stores, so that seems to be the place to find them, if you want blank ones — though there’s no reason bracelets supporting your favorite cause wouldn’t do the job just as well.

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