Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-14

  • Just came across a wah-wah pedal I have NEVER used before (bought right before a move and forgot about it). Oh my, it just got funky here! #
  • The Publishing Process Explained #
  • Just came across an “Ethics of ANthropology” syllabus online that’s 129 pages long! Includes 100 pages of bibliography. #
  • NV faces an $882m budget shortfall. Here are 4 solutions and a petition, in lieu of gutting our state. #
  • Every now and then I remember that I’m an anthropologist and post at Tomorrow, a cultural analysis of food allergies. #
  • Also, posting Intro to Anthropology “pre-lectures” at Sort of thinking through topics I’m preparing to lecture on. #
  • Super Bowl Ads Star Pathetic Men and The Women Who Ruined Them – “Masculinity under attack” is the zeitgeist of our era #
  • Food Allergies and Modern Life | Savage Minds #
  • RT @MuseumofCityNY: Untitled [Jewish Book Shop on Orchard Street], ca. 1945, Andreas Feininger #
  • @PjPerez Public protest is a gateway drug to activism, voting. Most politicians don’t care about young people, so only extremes get attn. in reply to PjPerez #
  • @PjPerez But too, voting doesn’t mean jack if you’re outnumbered by old farts and casinos who couldn’t care less about education. in reply to PjPerez #
  • @PjPerez A little bit of each. But none of my 18-19 yr old students have ever had a chance to vote. It’s sodomization w/out representation. in reply to PjPerez #
  • @PjPerez If student involvement begins and ends w/ mass showing, I agree. But protest mobilizes people, motivates them. Not 100%, but some. in reply to PjPerez #
  • @melzieb Right on! You’re going places, you are! in reply to melzieb #
  • Wow, this is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard, courtesy of RJ editor Thomas Mitchell #
  • How assumptions about motherhood are limiting women’s contributions in Silicon Valley (and elsewhere, I’d add) #
  • Taxes for sole proprietors (most freelancers) getting worse, not better. Advocate fairer taxes for self-employed! #
  • Having fun drawing (badly) at Dr Sketchy at Dino’s. #vegas #
  • Facebook keeps feeding me stuff it left out last time I cecked the stream. Was it supposed to get less useful? #
  • @PjPerez Not as useful as Twitter, of course, but yeah: how else could I know which of my HS classmates to laugh at? in reply to PjPerez #
  • @danidocrafty Start a blog — tons of storage, podcast support built in, and free. You don’t have to blogthere, just upload. in reply to danidocrafty #
  • @danidocrafty OK, then here’s another idea: BlogTalkRadio. Meant for live broadcasting, but you can just upload a finished file. I have. in reply to danidocrafty #
  • @danidocrafty Of course, you’ll get stats from iTunes, won’t you? But obv. not enough if you distribute elsehwhere. in reply to danidocrafty #
  • @danidocrafty Oh, btw – don’t use your webhost! Unless you’re a) very terse, and b) very unpopular, you’ll pr’y end up paying for bandwidth. in reply to danidocrafty #
  • @mikeyvegas @pjperez Subscribed to PoA. Put your RSS feed on your site so non-iTunes users can sub. #
  • @PjPerez That’s what I like to see – a big orange box! in reply to PjPerez #
  • @mikeyvegas @pjperez What I like best about yr podcast: just when you think it’s almost over, there’s still an hour-and-a-half left! (I kid) #
  • @PjPerez Yeah well, maybe next time you’ll think twice before busting on my Grammy. She never did anything to you! in reply to PjPerez #
  • Hoping to make it to #bnblv tonight – what’s up w/ the 7:30 end time? Is there an early bird buffet at the Gold Coast we don’t want to miss? #
  • Warning: I’m busting chops today. #
  • @PjPerez Yeah, except for the warning. in reply to PjPerez #
  • It’s film season in my WMST class. 6 wks, 6 films, 3 times each per week. All of which i’ve seen at least 2 dozen times. Will I stay awake? #
  • @danidocrafty Hey, if it makes you feel better, one of Exene Cervenka’s side projects is called The Knitters. #
  • mikeyvegas Exene’s latest album is gorgeous. Also, thanks for turning me on to Ike Reilly – good stuff! @PjPerez : POS is good noise, too. #
  • @justjulie You’ll be pleased to know my students called me “Eeyore” yesterday… #
  • Wow, the LVWeekly has popup ads. To go with their stock and Webvan fetish, I suppose. #
  • @JustJulie I suppoooooose… in reply to JustJulie #
  • @mikeyvegas What kind of RAM does your creaky PC use? I have two 512MB sticks of PC3200 in the PC I’m replacing if you can use them. #
  • @danidocrafty IT Crowd? But that’s not legally available in the US. (Ha, I slay me!) IT Crowd is awesome! in reply to danidocrafty #
  • I must be doing something wrong – out partying Tuesday and Thursday, and in writing and editing on Friday night. #
  • @Sara_Mooney How come you can’t have the off-the-shoulder one with the jungle print? What kind of world do we live in?! in reply to Sara_Mooney #
  • Interview with Cyborg anthropologist Amber Case Case studies interaction between people and technology. #
  • This guy looks like he means business. (Messing around w/ makeshift macro lens and my Pre camera) #
  • Great guide to love and romance from Arvind Devalia (Doesn’t hurt that #29 is by me – I’m such an expert on romance!) #
  • Is it just me, or is it really weird that socks come in stay-fresh resealable packages? #
  • Really, @violetmae ? Plain, 6-to-a-pack, stay-fresh new socks? I find that stunningly hard to believe, but if it’s true, you’re my new hero. #
  • Any #vegas ppl heading out to see Exene Cervenka tonight? #
  • Working up the motivation to see Exene Cervenka at the Beauty Bar tonight. Late shows = prejudice against old guys like me. #
  • @mikeyvegas just totally hit on Exene. #
  • There are maybe 60 ppl here to see the LEGENDARY Exene Cervenka. #Vegas you embarrass yourself. #
  • @mikeyvegas was right – Exene opens for no one. 3rd band totally not worth the time, but had fun hanging out with @brandybell . Headed home. #
  • In a Kafka story, a father says “guilty” and his son walks straight to the lake and drowns himself. That’s what “A Serious Man” feels like. #
  • 25 books every writer should own (or at least check out of the library once in a while) #
  • @merylkevans That’s funny, I was just on your site! What a coincidence. You’re welcome, and thank YOU for the same! in reply to merylkevans #
  • @violetmae OK, I concur: new socks are good. Plus, the black ones are still black, not grey from 300 washings. in reply to violetmae #
  • @leslieajoy It’s true, I DO have great taste. In a totally modest, unassuming way, too. I’m great. Plus? Cheap. in reply to leslieajoy #
  • @408Down Naked flying babies in general = bad thing. in reply to 408Down #
  • @PjPerez Word on the street is that secrets will be revealed that will change Vegas, and the world, forever. No pressure. in reply to PjPerez #
  • @jzellis Jesus, man – what a story! I guess there are always the weak who will prey on the good to feel strong. in reply to jzellis #
  • @alezafree I haven’t read it (in any size) but maybe I need to pay my library fines and check it out. in reply to alezafree #
  • I think my toaster oven’s broken. The fact that it won’t turn on is a clue. #
  • Are there any holidays that people *aren’t* cynical about? Halloween? Tisha B’Av? Arbor Day? Anything? I declare “Cynics-Free Day” on Mar 7. #
  • @toddhuish It’s about time. in reply to toddhuish #
  • A kind of Henry Rothian element of “A Serious Man”: All the goyim in the movie speak in broken, halting English. #

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