This Week on

Last week’s posts at were:

  • Sticky Ideas Workshop (Part 3): Concrete Part 3 of my series on Chip and Dan Heath’s Made to Stick
  • Advice for Students: Use a Wiki for Better Note-Taking Leon Ho,’s founder and chief editor, asked me to do a piece on wikis when I first started writing there. I have used wikis, but since I’ve been out of classes as a student for a long time, I hadn’t kept notes in one, and had to come up with a sample to demonstrate. I put in some of my lecture notes, which I take as I’m reading, to give an idea of how this works; I still need to go back and flesh out the wiki, which has become a very useful reference for me now!
  • Sticky Ideas Workshop (Part 4): Credible
  • Part 4 of my series on Chip and Dan Heath’s Made to Stick

To be honest, I’m a little disappointed in the Made to Stick series. The posts are good, and the comments on them have been good, but they’ve been rare — the series isn’t setting off nearly the level of discussion I had hoped for. We’ll see if this kind of thing is something I do again in the future…

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