So now twerking is cultural appropriation?

TWERK (Photo credit: mikeywally)

In the wake of Miley Cyrus’ apparently disastrous performance on MTV’s 2013 Video Music Awards show, I’ve been seeing a lot of conversations (or more often, declarations) about twerking as a form of cultural appropriation. Twerking, according to what I’m reading, is intimately bound to black culture and when white women integrate it into their own dance performances, they are essentially stealing black culture — appropriating to themselves [Continue reading]

Thoughts on the Mass Killing in Newtown, CT: A Rant in 11 Tweets

This is a series of posts I made on Twitter following the shooting in Newtown, CT yesterday. I could flesh them out, but I like them as is, sketchy and impressionistic as they are. Edited simply to correct two typos and expand abbreviations.

Most of the responses to today’s mass shootings, from people I mostly respect, boil down to 1) gun control! 2) crazy people! 3) evil!

Some things I haven’t [Continue reading]

Things I’ve Learned at BurlyCon 2011 (Final Edition)

[UPDATE: I cut a section which I want to post more in-depth on later. Miss Astrid’s “State of Neo-Burlesque” raised some really important points bit I’m not sure I’m the right person to address them.]

Back home today after an intense, amazing, mind-expanding, soul-filling, heart-warming long weekend at BurlyCon 2011 in Seattle, and boy is my mind racing! The first two days were great, but Saturday and Sunday were simply magical. I’ve had so many [Continue reading]

Dear Companies: Stop Doing That!

Image by misteraitch via Flickr

Sometimes I get fed up. It seems like every day companies are acting more and more cavalier with my time and attention, wasting an ever-increasing part of my day to accomplish absolutely nothing.

Last night I reached into my mailbox to find a plain white envelope, probably five inches by eight, no logo, no return address, just an expanse of white with my address slightly off-center. Out of [Continue reading]

A little New Orleans street jazz. Listen to her BLOW!

Click here to download:

NOLA_Street_Jazz.wmv (55273 KB)

Posted via email from Dustin M. Wax

“Day of the Dead” Show at Blackbird Studios

Image by dustin_wax via Flickr

See the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from Dustin M. Wax

[Continue reading]

Today Is My 10th Anniversary as a Blogger

Image via Wikipedia

I started blogging on November 2nd of 2000 with a carefully crafted analysis of supreme court nominations by previous presidents, in response to anti-Nader campaigning that promised Nader supporters that their support would spell the end of abortion rights in the US. That post has been lost to history (and a bad webhosting service); the oldest post I still have (Sierra Club Goes Anti-Green) was written the following day, again [Continue reading]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-21

Image via Wikipedia

@BrandyBell Not at all — it was a blast. Maybe next time we’ll have a conversation where we can actually hear each other. in reply to BrandyBell # The coolest part? Kevin Smith flies SW! RT @johnnykats: Kevin Smith thrown off plane for being ‘too big for seat’ # Office 2010 will have a $99 version of it’s Pro pkg for students and educators, different from Home and Student [Continue reading]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-14

Just came across a wah-wah pedal I have NEVER used before (bought right before a move and forgot about it). Oh my, it just got funky here! # The Publishing Process Explained # Just came across an “Ethics of ANthropology” syllabus online that’s 129 pages long! Includes 100 pages of bibliography. # NV faces an $882m budget shortfall. Here are 4 solutions and a petition, in lieu of gutting our state. # [Continue reading]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

Awesom skater just told me “you’re not looking so good out there.” Thanks, guy. # Any skaters have advice on how to stop my left foot from curving inward? Seem to have picked up some bad habits in 28 yrs off roller skates. # Roller skating was great fun! After nearly 30 yrs, it all came back pretty well. I guess it’s like they say, it’s just like falling down. # Magazine “The Beaver” [Continue reading]