Ideas of Anarchy and Anarchy of Ideas

From the “experiments in web publishing” department comes, an “online journal of anarchist construction”. They’re soliciting submissions for their first issue right now, so there’s not anything there yet except for a mission statement, but it looks interesting. Essentially, it is an open submission journal of anarchist ideas and analyses, the theory to Indymedia’s practice.

The online Indymedias and Infoshops are excellent loci for sharing experiences and disseminating information, pedagogy, etc. is more geared towards thoughtful critique, self-evaluation and assessment of our community building, direct and indirect actions, security methods and highly apparent insecurities, tactics and tactless insubordination of all of these things.

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  • Anonymous

    Damnit, now that you told people about the site, I’ll have to actually find time to finish putting it together….

  • Anonymous

    Huh, I had no idea that I had any connection to anyone involved with it! Whaddyaknow?

  • Anonymous

    I thought maybe you saw my email address and went to see what was on the domain. Where did you hear about the site then?

  • Anonymous

    Y’know, I might just have done that. I’ve been “stocking up” on links all week so I’d have stuff to write about today, and I can’t really remember where everything came from, but your hypothesis sounds as plausible as any other I can think of. Sorry to have blown your cover…

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