“Don’t Be Stupid” Now Available on Kindle!

Don't Be StupidMy book Don’t Be Stupid: A Guide To Learning, Studying, And Succeeding At College is now available on Amazon’s Kindle, and for only $9.99! Although I’ve been planning on “eventually one-day when I have time” reformatting the file for the Kindle, it wasn’t until my family gave me a Kindle for Christmas last year (thanks, everyone!) that I got really motivated to do the work.

See, the Kindle is, in a word, great. I say that as a guy with more than a thousand ink-and-paper books stuffed into his apartment. There are 7 bookcases in my living room! I love traditional books — but I love my Kindle, too. I love that I can load it up with books and read whatever I happen to be in the mood for wherever I happen to be, instead of making the fraught choice of which of the 5 or more books I’m currently reading to put in my bag when I leave home in the morning. I love that I can instantly grab a sample or even the full text of a book I decided I wanted to look at (so long as I’m in a wifi area, which these days isn’t asking much). And I love that I can search and annotate and look things up and do all the other stuff that electronic text makes possible.

I won’t give up regular paper books — I have a stack of about 20 on my sofa right now waiting to be read. But the Kindle is really convenient, and I think it’s perfect for students who need to carry three, four, or more books with them at any time. And I’m all about making life easier for students.

Check it out: Don’t Be Stupid: A Guide To Learning, Studying, And Succeeding At College

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