Lauren is leaving Feministe. After bringing on Jill last year and a couple of new full-time writers (apprently from the pool of guests that’s filled in from time to time over the last couple years), the site, I’m sure, can stand the loss — but for me, Lauren is Feministe (no offense to Jill and the others). She was one of the first bloggers I read regularly, one of the handful that it was important to me, when I started blogging, to get the attention of. My understanding of gender and feminism and all things related (even knitting!) has been considerably deepened by Lauren’s sharp and often very personal analyses. [Continue reading]
There’s been a lot of talk around the blogosphere about the interaction between search engines, blogs, and professional news outlets. The current round of hand-wringing was kicked off by Andrew Orlowski’s mean-spirited discussion of "googlewashing" in the Register. Seems that an article by Patrick Tyler in the New York Times described the anti-war protesters around the world in the build-up to the current war in Iraq as a "second superpower"–a rather nice way of thinking about us protesters, especially as our influence was almost universally maligned practically everywhere else. [Continue reading]
The Talking Dog added me to the Dog Pound, his collection of “sites approved for romping and reading”. What separates this event from other blogrolling instances is not only that the Talking Dog is a fellow Brooklynite (though I am currently in exile) who specializes in performing name change operations for transsexuals (nice work, if you can get it), but the review:
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Allright, I Lied…
Once I got started, the remodeling work went remarkably fast. So, without any further ado, I bring you, Mark III. It might still be a little rough around the edges, especially the search engine (Atomz free search engine only allows you to use one image in your search results pages, and I need 8 to make up the new menu…), but for the most part it’s done. I hope it’s liked.
In other news, Squawkbox’s comments service has been down all day. I assume that they’ll be back on-line soon–they’ve never had an outage of this magnitude before, and tend to be on top of things, so far as I can tell.
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