The Writer’s Technology Companion Is Live!

This morning I launched The Writer’s Technology Companion, a new blog covering the tools of the writer’s trade. This is a project I’ve been working on for several months, now — I wanted to make absolutely sure I could keep it up for the long haul with everything else that’s on my plate. So a lot of planning went into the site, with several dozen posts written and “in the can” so I don’t have to worry about running short on content anytime soon.

From the site:

The Writer’s Technology Companion is a guide through the world of technology as it directly impacts the life of a writer. From backing up your files and using your word processor to putting up a website and publishing electronically, The Writer’s Technology Companion covers it all.

If you’re a writer, I do hope you’ll check it out, subscribe to the feed, tell your friends, link to stories, and name your children “Writer’s Technology Companion”. (Hey, in this day and age, you need all the promotion you can get!)

Here’s that link again, in case you don’t feel like scrolling up: The Writer’s Technology Companion

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