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I fell behind in doing these week posts, because I went out of town over a weekend and came back busy as heck!  So, here’s what I’ve posted at over the weeks I missed:

How to Give Instructions offers advice on, well, giving instructions. [Continue reading]

Really Big Meetings Use Really Big Software!

Way back at the turn of the century, when the Web was still 1.0 and a ragtag band of ragged IT staffers thought they could make a mint going virtual, I got to repeatedly experience the joys (please note intense sarcasm!) of web conferencing, dot-bomb style. We had the marketing and sales office in NYC (where I worked), the data center in New Jersey, and believe it or not, coders in Bulgaria. And every few days, we got to do web conferencing with jumpy blurry webcam images and scratchy audio and really … [Continue reading]