Further Reading on Anthropology, the Cold War, and the Military

During the several years I spent researching and editing Anthropology at the Dawn of the Cold War, I wrote several pieces on the themes covered in the book (or closely related issues) at Savage Minds. For your convenience, here is a quick guide to related information at Savage Minds.

  1. Anthropologists as Counter-Insurgents: My first look at the work of Montgomery McFate (a lead author of the Army’s counter-insurgency handbook and a strong advocate of anthropology as a military tool).
  2. Working for PRISP: A discussion of the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholarship Program, which offers students scholarships in selected disciplines (including anthropology) in exchange for internships and other service in US national security agencies.
  3. Anthropology Against Its Subjects: A report on David Price’s research into WWII efforts by anthropologists to create a race-specific weapon to use against the Japanese.
  4. And in case you’re wondering how an academic book gets produced, I wrote “The Road to Published: The Making of an Edited Volume” about the conception, collaboration, and publication of Anthropology at the Dawn of the Cold War. Three parts: Part 1, Part 1a, Part 2

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