Cadillac Ranch

I recently drove cross-country, passing through the Texas panhandle, which gave me the opportunity to have a look at Cadillac Ranch outside of Amarillo. Plopped down in the middle of a field just south of I-40, Cadiallc Ranch was commissioned by eccentric rich guy Stanley Marsh III and built by artist/architect collective Ant Farm. The sculpture consists of 10 50s-era Cadillacs half-buried nose-down, and covered with a riotously-colored palimpsest of graffiti, which is encouraged.

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If You’re Ever in Nebraska

In Alliance, NE, stands the most strange and wonderful thing you can imagine: Carhenge. This is what I wrote about Carhenge five years ago: [Continue reading]

More on Looting

After a withdrawal-inducing absence of several days, Jeanne d’Arc returns with a couple of great posts, and some links on looting, most notably this article entitled, boldly enough, “The Case for Looting”, by one Steven E. Landsburg writing for Slate. Landsberg’s thesis is that there’s really not much wrong with looting in Iraq, on the grounds that the looting did not remove wealth from the Iraqi economy, it just shifted it to new owners. Since most of the wealth in Iraq was obtained illegitimately, there is nothing wrong with Iraqi looters reclaiming some of it for themselves. [Continue reading]

Looting in Baghdad

Several bloggers have written very insightful words about the looting in Iraq, particularly the almost total decimation of the Baghdad Museum’s collection. Teresa Nielsen Hayden‘s comments have been particularly cogent, both mourning the loss of so many priceless artifacts and berating an administration and military that allowed it to happen. [Continue reading]