I just finished a 3-part series of long articles detailing how I put together and got published my forthcoming edited volume, Anthropology at the Dawn of the Cold War: The Influence of Foundations, McCarthyism and the CIA. If you’d like to see how an academic work gets from idea to published (technically, “almost published” since it’s not quite out yet — but soon!) check it out at the anthropology blog [Continue reading]
I’ve scheduled a great week of posts at lifehack.org, including my podcast debut with a new project I’m calling Lifehack Live (because that’s it’s name). Check it out this week, in between eggnogs and rum balls. [Continue reading]
Portuguese Spanish blog aurturogoga.com translated one of my lifehack posts, Build a Reading Family: How to Share Reading with Your Kids, into Portuguese Spanish. This is a post that I’m particularly proud of, and that got a lot of attention; several people contacted me about using it in family groups and even as a handout in a public library! [Continue reading]
I don’t post here very much, not because I don’t want to but because I’m busy with so much else. In addition to teaching and doing my own research (currently for a piece on Sexuality, Gender, and Taboo) I have three other active blogging projects:
- Lifehack.org: a personal productivity site where I write about studying and writing strategies in addition to general organization and productivity topics.
- Savage Minds: An anthropology group blog. I’m currently working on a series on academic publishing. I also post quite a bit on the relationship between anthropology and the State, as well as material drawing on my American Indian research.
[Continue reading]
Wordpreneur, an excellent site about the business of writing and blogging, is offering three free e-books in exchange for links to their site from other writers. I’ve been reading and enjoying Wordpreneur for a while now, and it’s a pleasure to send a little link live their way. If you’re a writer — even if you haven’t gotten around to the “writing for pay” stage yet — Wordpreneur is definitely worth taking a look. [Continue reading]
Last weeks posts at lifehack.org [Continue reading]
Another interesting week at lifehack.org! This week’s posts were:
Design Better with CRAP, an introduction to basic design principles for writers, business people, and anyone else who needs to present information in the most effective way possible. A Basic Guide to Thrift Store Shopping, a guide to making the most out of thrifting. [Continue reading]
In my ongoing experimentation with online advertising and paid writing services, I signed up for payperpost to see how it works. As with other sponsored posts here, any post written at payperpost‘s request will be clearly marked as such — in fact, it’s a payperpost requirement! [Continue reading]